Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Tickle Me Paisley"

I'm feeling rawther smug --- I can't believe I figured out how to do this. I'm so excited. I don't want to miss the sounds I've captured here. Hopefully it waits for you to hit play before it starts but it's actually Little Miss Paisley herself GIGGLING uncontrollably!! I'm tickling her or something, and you can hear my goofy "doo doo doo" noises at one point, but the rest of it is her! I think there is an echo on it or something; it sounds a touch demonic. Haha!! It just makes me laugh out loud every time! I find it awfully sweet. :)


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The tooth fairy arrived!!

Yippeee! As of today, we have a tooth! Yep, our first toofie! Lower left. Wasn't too much of a struggle on the way in. About once a week or so, maybe even less frequently, we'd have a big meltdown. I was thinking this was about her tooth moving or swelling gums, or whatever. But it was never too major for too long. And we've battled some diaper rash as well. (Apparently, a rashy rear-end is a metaphorical "red flag" for teething?? I'm not sure what the two "ends" have in common...but I digress...) So again, this kid has cut us some slack and we've dodged another bit of a bullet as far as the hurdles of infancy go, no major teething issues! Yippee!

And there's more! The new tooth is not all...what a busy month we've had! Let me just start by saying being home is just beyond everything I thought it would be. I LOVE going to her in the morning when she wakes up. You just can't beat starting your day with that big gummy grin!! I love asking her what she wants to wear every day, putting her down for naps, you know...what moms do! It's SO fun!! We play awfully hard - exploring every thing we can get our hands on...leaves on the trees, the dogs, mom's cell phone, the remote control, muffin tins with toys in them, our own feet (and their freshly painted toe nails, might I add), etc. It's just fascinating watching her learning about stuff. I just sit on the floor next to her and watch her study something. I feel like I'm spying on her, because she doesn't even notice me - she's so taken by whatever it is she's examining!!

Recently we've added so many new tricks to our repertoire. Just the other day little missie started saying something that sounded like "da da da" --- I counted it as the official "first word". I'm not sure what the rules are about that...but it sounded like "daddy" to us. SO, Check: First Word! YIPPEEE!!

Oh and fun fun fun!! We got a new swimming pool and little P got to take it for a spin recently. Her little swimsuit was just TOO much! Her dad just rolls his eyes at the insanity of an infant "bikini". As he puts it, "what is that thing supposed to be covering up?!" I guess he has a point, this little bikini top so dang funny, like two little triangles covering something that will later be not only exposed, but also covered in a mushy, gummy cookie and gooey brown banana (more on this later...). Just funny. Anyway, the fancy schmancy pool has a lot of bells and whistles when in reality she just likes to watch her feet wiggle in the water. What?! I thought for sure she would want to use the "Whale Slide"!? Ride on the "Inflatable Dolphin"?! Man. Kids just don't know what they're missing!!

Next item on our agenda -- little miss manners is starting to wave bye-bye, something. Whatever. She's moving her fingers open and closed, like waving, but doesn't quite get when to do it. But I think it's progress!

AND she's feeding herself stuff too. I mentioned this already, but I made those little whole grain teething biscuits and she still loves them. They basically look like dog biscuits (and, most likely, taste quite similar as well!) and I'm still spending most of my time fishing the big chunks out of her mouth, but I know the bits she is consuming are good for her and well, it's what babies are supposed to do, right? Another food favorite is bananas - so funny. I just strip her down to a diaper and we go to town on a big mushy handful of banana. Whoo. Little princess takes a bit to clean up after banana time - it's like detailing a car, gotta look everywhere for that stuff!

I think that's about it for now. And for anyone who mentioned "teething tablets" to me as a remedy for a teething baby ---- how right you were! Those things are amazing!!! I feel bad though, they make her awfully relaxed, it makes a mom's wheels turn... I could see those things coming in handy regardless of teething issues......and here I thought I was going to have to rely on bourbon and cough syrup for the tough times.

And now, on to the party pics! Aunt Christie is the best photog!

Mom and P at dinner being silly!

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Miss P working the table for everyone at dinner. Notice the soggy dress. Who knows what she had dumped on herself at this point. She had eaten off of every one's plate and still wanted more!

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Mimi's fountain in her conservatory. Paisley's first fountain! Aunt Katie let her splash her feet in it! FUNN!!!

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And finally, I just found this one. This is from January. She was about 6 weeks old. She's soo TINY!! I just can't believe it. Josh said it best - and for anyone who knows Josh you'll appreciate this. For anyone who doesn't know Josh...he'll sound like a weirdo. But it cracked me up. He said - she was like a big potato with a dress pinned on it. It was so true. She was so little, but I guess that's the thing with babies. They start out really little. Then they get bigger. I know. I'm a genius.
Anyway, this is just a reminder for me...time has definitely SPED up!!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Pictures of our pool party time!! Not only did she love splashing her feet but eating the rings of one of the "sea creatures" was also extremely entertaining! Oh and if you look really closely on the sideways picture, you can see a cute pink toe nail! Hee hee!!!

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Leaps and bounds

Whoa baby, we are growing and growing at the Paisley household. We just had our 6 month check up and little missie is just growing like a weed -- seriously! She's SOO long! She's 27" and 15 pounds. Again, she's in the 90th percentile in height and the 25th percentile for weight. She's a scrawny little thing, but I guess not in a bad way because she's so dang tall! We got a formula from our doctor that showed us that she needed 725 calories a day - she drinks 5 bottles a day with 120 calories each (totalling 600 calories) and then eats solid foods (cereal, fruit and a veggie) every day. It barely totals 725 calories and some days it doesn't! I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to stuff that much food into such a teeny little thing - she ends up spitting it back out on the closest blanket (or parent!). I'm trying to feed this kid what I'm supposed to...but I'm missing something.

Okay, so on to the fun(ner) stuff. I've been digging through her closet lately and it's really amazing. Stuff I got like last summer and thought "wow, she'll be practically walking when it's time to wear this".....NOPE, it's time NOW! The last two days she's worn outfits that fit into this category exactly. It's amazing. I can't believe this tiny little critter is growing so fast! She's so funny too - she laughs hysterically when I do the dumbest stuff. In particular, she likes it when I throw my hair over my face and then "flip" it back, like I'm some guitar player in an 80's hair band. (I knew it, I have another Aerosmith fan in our house!!)

So summer break has started, but I've been taking a graduate class this week. It's kind of a bummer because I looked SO forward to summer to soak up some baby time. Oh well, tomorrow is the last day of the class and then I can start the "soaking"! We have so much to do! We are even going to take swimming lessons!

Let's cover milestones quickly and then get to the fun pictures! So we're sitting up these days - without support. Just sitting up like a miniature person! It's amazing. I made her some all natural, whole wheat teething biscuits and she's feeding these to herself. Of course, I fish out most of the chunks, but she really seems to love them! We're still enjoying the tippy cup and getting much more proficient at the "delivery" of the tippy cup. Less and less is falling out and spilling down her front! Oh and "object permanence" -- knowing that an object still exists even though it's out of sight -- got it! She drops stuff and then looks for it. It's fascinating! So, at the risk of being redundant and painfully obvious - this kid is GROWING! And so fast!

Here's our most recent shot...and yes, it's our first nekkid shot. That's a bit of a ritual lately (thwarting the diaper rash) - after bath time we get to do nekkid time for about 15 minutes. FUN!!

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Oh, this was SO funny. (I know, every mom thinks their kid does the funniest stuff...I try to keep that in perspective, but this one was really pretty funny!) I let her "kiss" Mimi's mother's day card on the ride to meet them for dinner. When we got there I saw that her "kisses" got extremely out of hand... I literally had to fish envelope out of her mouth (I know, Mother of the Year here....). It was SOAKING wet with with baby slobber. She fell asleep and still had it in her hand. When we saw Mimi, this is what was being "presented" for Mother's Day. I thought it was icky...but not Mimi, she LOVED it!

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Mom and Paisley being cheesy!

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This was cute, we all went out to dinner and the following pictures show how much this little bunny was passed around. This is Josh holding her while she chats with me. Too funny!

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Here's Aunt Julie sharing her fruit and cheese plate (whether she wanted to or not...) with a curious little baby claw! This was officially her first restaurant food too - she ate Mimi's sweet potatoes and "ate" Aunt Julie's fruit slice...sort of...

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Here's Miss P with Aunt Katie, whose martini Paisley thought was SUPER pretty (it was PINK!!)! Aunt Katie always smells so pretty - kind of like vodka. We LOVE Aunt Katie.

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And finally, this was Miss P's first trip to the speedway. We went to see the Indy cars - not necessarily mom's cup of tea, but where else can you wear an "Andretti Winery" onesie??! I must say, she looked fabulous - hat and all. However, we spent most of the day in the vestibule playing with toys and wearing ear plugs. Ultimately, it was like a starlet showing up at a premier - you KNOW they don't have a clue what the movie was about but, dang it, they looked cute and the papparazzi LOVED them!

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Hee hee! Too fun! Summer promises to be chalk full of fun as well and I'll do my best to keep ya'll posted!