Friday, December 15, 2006

Life with Paisley

Well, to be honest, it's not too bad. We were really prepared for NO sleep, constant crying, and lots of ubiquitous poop. I must say, none of this has been the case. Sure we've had our nights where Missie just wasn't ready to sleep when we were, but we generally have to wake her up to feed her and notify her of diaper changes. We really thought it would be us at her beck and call. And other than my constant need to hold her and talk to her, we've not been too terribly disrupted. (Does that sound horribly selfish?!) Her joining us has been completely enjoyable. She's like a house guest that we heard was going to be complete mess, who actually turned out to be a delight and adds something to the place. PLUS, we really like her! Haha!! Kidding aside, we're quite happy with how "NOT rough" it's been. She's just a doll and we're both so completely smitten!

We're on an eating schedule of every 4 hours, using a combo of breast milk and formula (apparently my supply was a bit inadequate and she had actually lost a lot of weight since leaving the hospital - pediatrician's orders were to pump, measure it, and supplement the rest of the required amount with formula). Oh and we play the projectile spit-up game every time we eat. That's lots of fun. I'm not sure I understand what's up with that, but she's got some velocity on that stuff! We've tried different formula, different bottles, sitting upright, etc. Nothing seems to help. But she doesn't really seem to mind, so oh well... (i think...I'm sure I'll read somewhere that I'm scarring her for life or something)

On a completely unrelated note, is Christmas really 10 days away? What happened to my last month? I have done NOTHING for Christmas except put up a tree. Other than that, I haven't even heard Christmas music! Nor have I seen Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. To me, these things signal Christmas, without them, I'm still on November time! Oh, and speaking of things that fly by without my noticing - aren't I supposed to be scheduling portrait sittings of our little one? What are the rules for that? Am I going to be the mother of a 1 year old and have no portraits? What about the obligatory "Christmas" portrait? Am I a bad mom for not scheduling this? Yeesh!! I washed the spit up out of her hair and thought I was doing alright, but then I thought of this portrait issue and my air of confidence and poise vanished!

Okay here are some cute pictures. I am developing a thing for these cute pictures of her on her tummy. Something about them...

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And I love these. My dad and I had a tradition of always putting the angel on our Christmas tree and so when Josh and I decorated our Christmas tree (right after Thanksgiving - B.P. -- before Paisley) we kept the angel off of it so that she and her dad could put it on together. It was like 60 something degrees out so I made Josh at least wear a Christmas hat to "winterize" his shorts and t-shirt look. But isn't this sweet?

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Merry Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

What an angel she is! Congrats!!! I am sorry to hear you are having to supplement. I hope she will nurse more often and get your supply up. When that happened to me I refused to use the formula...the doc didnt like me. I just told him I would come back in a wek and if she hadnt gained more weight then I would do something else. I put her on the boob every hour and pumped after she was done too and within that next week my supply was booming. Are you taking fenugreek?

me said...

Fenugreek? Hmm...I'll look into it. I am drinking Mother's Milk tea, and it doesn't seem to be helping. But I'm open to anything!