Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Say Cheese!

Okay, so on my last post I had really planned on coming back and simply appending a few pictures. However, given the lapse in time, I feel obligated to make our photo frenzy a stand-alone entry.

But first a few highlights. Miss Paisley is a super good eater. (An attribute on which I never intended paying a compliment...) However, I'm quite impressed by the amount of food she eats and actually keeps in her mouth. I make a noble effort to pin her aggressive little arms to her side so my clean-up is minimal. And yes, this goes directly against what all the books would say one should do... You're supposed to ****let the children explore their food**** (I feel like I'm channeling Doug Henning, the goofy magician with the long hair and buck teeth). So, let the record show, I GET it, I realize I'm supposed to hose off the child and change her clothes after every feeding, but I'm too busy engaging in the real world and trying to teach Paisley how to say "dog" in Spanish (thanks, Baby Einstein...). In the meantime, our little tulip will be receiving, not only her first taste of sweet potatoes, but also that of my controlling nature. Eventually the arm-pinning will only be a metaphor for how I've ruined her life and won't let her express her true self....blah blah blah...

But I digress. Let's see what else exciting... OH, we got an astounding BELLY laugh last night. It took us so off guard. Every time she did it, I stopped doing the inane head bobbing thing I was doing and cracked up myself. To which, she reacted by stopping the laughter and observing my new "thing" [laughing]. SO then I had to continue the head bob and she would of course, resume her laughter. It was so funny. She'd been doing this cackle thing for a few months now, I wasn't quite sure if this was her laugh or if it was just a laugh with training wheels. I now see the latter to be the case. She is squealing like crazy now and it is too funny. I have a new goal (in between showing her how to roll over from her back to tummy, teaching her how to say Mama, and of course the Spanish dog thing...) and that is to make this kid laugh at least once a day. Doesn't that sound noble??? Ask me in a year how that's workin out...

And our wonderful Parents As Teachers parent educator, Miss Andrea came by again. We sat out all the obligatory "parenting" books and magazines so we'd look like real good parents..... and I think she bought it hook, line and sinker. Actually, the night started when all hell broke loose. And I sorta mean that literally, because our small schnauzer broke loose. She snuck out the door and ran like a crazy squirrel when Miss Andrea arrived. SO, I handed off my child and chased my dumb little black squirrel. Got her back in one piece (threatened to send her to the place where they make paste) and upon my return poor Andrea is comforting a visibily distraught, but now calm Paisley. And of course, when Paisley sees me this ignites her all over again. She sobbed nearly the entire visit. I'm sure Andrea was taking copious notes and rehearsing her dialogue wtih Family Services. (Thank goodness we had the parenting magazines sitting out...) Ultimately, Andrea indicated Paisley is doing quite well and appears to be progressing exceptionally well for her age. To that, Paisley and I give a collective, "Eat THAT, other babies!!!!!"

Okay, enough of my blather. Alrighty, here are some fun pictures!!!

My Easter Bunny!!

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My avid little reader (well, okay, Mimi's a good reader too. Paisley ALWAYS loves books that are read by Mimi!)

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Fancy ballerina skirt that came around Paisley's Easter basket at Mimi & Poppa's house

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Our first successful meal of warm mush!!

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Baby's first Rocking Horse. Oh, the pains we took to get this little darling to SIT on the frigging rocking horse!!! I won't even tell you what we used to stick her in place. Wait, NO, I'm SO kidding.

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Okay, indulge me -- a few bath time photos. This is what Josh and I affectionately refer to as "Popeye Face" And for the next few pictures, if you could, ignore the bad skin of the rough looking old woman in the picture. She just had a BABY!!! You couldn't possibly expect her to exfoliate every now and then COULD YOU?!!!!

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Bath time at Mimi & Poppa's house. (Don't you love the strategically placed frog??)

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My clean cuddle bunny!!! YUMMY!!!!

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Mmm..... TOO FUN!! Everyone should get one of these!!! As soon as she's litter box trained, this should be a snap!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Baby steps!

Oh good heavens I am a bad blogger!! I get home and I am in complete baby mode! Here are some fun little updates about our little petal! She is awfully advanced for her age, I must say! We just had our four month shots -- eww. No fun. But our height/weight update: she's 12 lbs and 25 1/4" -- she's in the 75-90th percentile in height and 25-50th in weight. Not sure where she's getting those genes - hopefully she gets Josh's metabolism!! She sat up for the first time last Monday and drank out of a cup, and well I might add, on the same day! AND we had our first cereal on Saturday! She did so great, now I see me coming out because that kid can THROW down on some food! Speaking of food, remember me - the complainer? Well, I'm back! I cannot for the life of me lose a stinking pound!! No exaggeration! Not ONE!!! I lost 26 the week after I had her and NOTHING since then. They've tested my thyroid and found nothing! I'm walking *BRISKLY* and regularly and I'm still wearing FAT clothes!! I am in complete consternation here. I can count the calories I've had in the last week (with the exception of Easter Sunday) and it's less than I was eating in a DAY about 6 months ago. It's making NO sense. SO, I've started popping the phentermine. Yeah for speed! We'll see what happens! Summer is lurking around the corner like a giant swim suit, mocking me and hurling insults! Grr. Anyway, back to the "funner" stuff -- I have some fantastic pictures of Paisley from Easter, but I'm waiting for Mimi to get them posted on photobucket for me. She is just so gooey ooey sweet and cuts me so much slack. We really landed a peach with this one!!!