Monday, July 17, 2006

Debate of the day

We've been discussing our jumping on the bandwagon by banking our baby's cord blood. This would be harvesting her stem cells for emergency medical purposes. After some extensive reading and research I'm actually thinking it sounds like a lot of money for something that we'll never use and will actually go bad after a relatively short amount of time. However, the option of "donating" the cord blood affords us similar liberties with our own donation, can also save other lives, but costs nothing. This is starting to look like a more sensible option. I clearly have more reading to do but I'm starting to think a lot of these for-profit cord blood companies are preying on parents' fears of "what if?" and "you only have one chance", etc. I was buying it for a while...but I'm not so sure anymore...

More on this subject to come.

By the way, I have a ballerina in my belly! Kick, leap, turn, plie! Unfortunately, Josh is starting to think this whole pregnancy is a rouse - every time I say, "quick, come here, she's kicking" he drops everything and runs no avail. He's starting to wonder if I've fabricated this whole story. The ultrasounds, the weight gain, all an elaborate hoax. "Well, no honey, but damn if that doesn't sound like a great idea, a 9 month pregnancy hoax... I wish I would have thought of that. Brilliant." (rolls eyes)


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