Monday, August 21, 2006


Mercy. Things are gettin' ugly around here. Our last baby appointment revealed that I had had quite a productive month. I've produced a 15 pound weight gain in one month. Someone call Guinness -- the record book, not the beer company -- that's a LOT! I honestly don't feel like it, and very truthfully, I didn't think I looked like it either. I mean, YES, I look big. Bigger, for sure. No question, but THAT big?! Dang. And I haven't even been eating the "usual suspects" where weight gain is concerned. I mean, seriously, no chips, no pop, no Little-Debbie-brand-anything, not even an abundance of fried food! I even eat lots of good stuff, too. I eat carrots, yogurt, raisins, skim milk, and even an occasional protein bar for a boost! Now, I will say, I've been visiting McDonald's more than the traditional bi-annual throw-down. BUT 15 POUNDS?? HOLY MAC-MAMA!! Luckily, baby is right on track and is not turning into a stuffed piglet like her mother. Because if my growth was any indication of hers...we'd be exploring voodoo, herb ingesting, early labor tactics or something.

Next item of business, we found a HOUSE!! Yippee! We're going to look at it again tomorrow with my parental units. You'd think I was 18 trying to find my first apartment. I have drug these nice people an hour away from their neighborhood on more than one occasion just to look at a potential house, only to watch us let it get taken away by another buyer. Not this time, cousin! We're buying this one! It was built in the 20's, has a huge gorgeous yard with a killer side yard with great landscaping. It has plenty of bedrooms, great hardwoods, and a really peaceful pretty neighborhood surrounding it. It's SO perfect for us and Miss Baby and our three fur babies. We're all pre-approved so I'm hoping to ask for a fast closing and getting this party started! Nesting TIME!!

Fun little baby bit. Here's a first, I felt Missie roll - er, something. It was the strangest sensation, I felt her in one spot and then, as though she were on a little conveyor belt, she suddenly and smoothly transitioned to another spot. My little fishy felt like a little mermaid! So bizarre! She better enjoy it, as the countdown rolls on, her cozy little abode is going to get cozier and cozier. Roll while the rollin's good, kiddo! :)

Not so fun little employment bit. It's game time for school again. I started meetings and greetings on Wednesday and as of my "work day" tomorrow, I'm done with the pre-game festivities and kids are rumored to be starting on Wednesday. Eek. It's really pretty easy when it's just me, alone in my room, putting up adorable bulletin boards, mumbling explicatives to myself, etc.. But then it hits me, I'm going to have hoards of kids in there in a matter of hours and they'll all be looking to me (like cattle) to teach them something. Then I realize, I should probably think about what that "something" should be. Hmm. Is it bad to show a video the first week of school?

Okay, I think that about does it. Lots of changes afoot. Baby progress is rolling along and apparently, in considering my weight gain, so am I!

P.S. Chiropractor rocks. Rib still pops in and out. But we're managing. But I NOW have carpal tunnel syndrome. My hands and arms fall asleep at random at the rate of like 4-5 times in an hour, it's been happening for about a week. It's annoying and uncomfortable, but not excessively painful. From what I read I have a pretty severe case affecting both arms in their entirety. Apparently this condition is common in pregnancy and is due to excess of fluids in one's system. Carpal tunnel is supposed to go away upon delivery and while maintaining stride with my being extremely predictable and "text book" in about every step of this pregnancy, often makes its debut at the start of the third trimester. Ta-dah - trimester three starts next week....And, yes I am, fashionably speaking, above wearing those goofy librarian/professional bowler wrist braces (that's hot) to curtail my symptoms. I'll take numb arms...not numb fashion sense. Call me shallow - but that look just ain't me even with a great manicure.


Monogram Momma said...

I am enjoying reading your blog, but it's killing my eyes! I must me getting old. *sigh* Can you maybe do the font a little larger or maybe not so scrolly? It's really pretty, but oh so hard to see! Good luck with the baby! :-)

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when you were going to update. I had carpal tunnle in both hands with my first but so far not with this one. It was awful everytime I laid down my hands would go to sleep. I couldnt put any pressure on them or it hurt like hell. I also gained 8 lbs last month and thats the 2nd month I have gained that much and considering I started out at 96lbs thats alot. I cant wait to hear more.