Saturday, August 26, 2006

Miss Photogenic

I took this at the urgent request of my mother and my eccentric aunt who, when together, can get giddy beyond control, to say the least (picture two little old ladies...But not old. That's them.). I get a text message this afternoon that said "we want to see a picture of your belly right now" ...okay. So I take my immaculately groomed self to the mirror and the photo session began. So, thanks to these two, I'm able to share my "end of 26 weeks" photo marker.

Stunning. I know.

Let's see, while I'm at it. Updates? Not much. We made an offer on the house today. If all goes as planned, we should close in a month! My carpal tunnel is getting markedly worse on a daily basis. I struggled to hold a pen today. This could get pretty troublesome. Oh, this is kinda funny. Tomorrow we're going to have dinner at some friends' house who are due in a matter of weeks. Normally, I would take a bottle of wine and help our host/hostess consume it (read: hog it for myself). However, under the circumstances, I was stumped for an appropriate hostess gift. Never in my life did I picture this happening...I actually picked up a pack of Pampers. How can they not like this gift, right? Unlike a bottle of wine, I will not be stumbling away with half the pack of diapers.

Oh, and in lieu of anything else interesting to read, I'll post some pictures for posterity. Someday when Miss Baby reads through this she'll have some pictures of her dad. Here's Josh and my current baby, Sophie:

Okay, that's all for now. All is well on our front and I guess no news is good news!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OLD? What do you mean old? You keep it up and I am going to put on my purple sexy dress and my red hat and take MY picture.

It was imperative that you take that picture when you did. If we hadn't insisted, you wouldn't have taken the picture that day and would not have recorded for all the years to come. So there!

As for eccentric -- that is a good word. Eccentric Aunts let their niece and little friend Ryan crawl through the Maxima's backseat and pop out of the trunk at a stop light to scare their parents! Eccentric Aunts introduce their neice to Apfelcorn at 13 years old.
Eccentric Aunts show you how to make it look like a tomatoe is throwing up. They also buy you real wooden shoes when you are two years old so that you can clomp around the house and drive your parents nuts!

I repeat -- Eccentric is a good word