Wednesday, September 20, 2006

*Insert some cliche title here...*

"Oh my stars, when it's rains it pours!" That seems like a suitable one.'s pouring. Hard. So let this be your warning, this post will be a buffet of complaints, many of which lots of folks would give anything to have -- but I am not in a selfless mood right now. Brace yourself.

Well, first off, we have the leg situation. Josh had surgery last Friday and this just made a bad situation worse because after the surgery he required the kid gloves even more. Lots of ice, fresh water in his cup next to him, pillows to prop up the leg, pain meds, etc. And his being in this situation has not exactly brought out his sweet side. Being cooped up all day in one position has been been pretty stressful in and of itself (frankly, I don't see what the problem is, that's what I did all summer and I loved it!). Hopefully Mr. Crankypants will be at least on a walking cast in about 2 1/2 more weeks and this will eliminate his fussiness.

Now let's add another layer to this mess - I've been quite sick. As I've stated repeatedly, this is SO not my thing. I'm not a sickly person and I am typically too stubborn to do anything about a pesky sore throat or stuffy nose or whatever, but this has now officially been going on for going on 10 DAYS! And it's been pretty darn bad, too. Complete nasal congestion, a barking cough, a clogged ear, etc. Bad enough that I called my midwife and got antibiotics, which did nothing. NOTHING!! I guess it's just a virus and I should ride it out. Frankly, I'm over the ride already!!

Now, let's add yet another dash of mayhem - we're moving next FRIDAY! Which implies two things, 1. We need to physically MOVE (not our forte these days) and 2. all of the paperwork associated with finalizing the loan, insurance, title, etc. is enough to make me jump off a medium sized building. Random things like, getting a copy of my pension which I get a copy of annually (and apparently had not saved) this was NOT a small, quick phone call. After routing my way through the Pentagon, NASA, and various third world countries I finally found the guy in charge of faxing me my teachers' pension documentation. Well, after talking with Pension Man he indicated he would handle submitting the request!! "WHAT?! Submitting? Can't you just fax it to me??" Nope. Had to wait. Eventually it came.....BUT, alas, I digress. Let's just summarize: sending stuff off to loan underwriters never gets easy, no matter how many times you've done it. It's ALWAYS more stuff than you realized you would need. And every phone call takes twice as long as you had anticipated.

Oh, and in the meantime, I'm supposed to teach children everyday. Luckily I have good kids and I've yet to strike a violent rage with any of them. All has been going well at this point. But when all of this other stuff is going on, this is not exactly an audience who, well, CARES, frankly. "Kids, let me tell you about my how the inspection for our new house came back." "Kids, let's talk about mortgage insurance and the things Teacher is going through to avoid it." I'm pretty certain I would be greeted with blank stares and perhaps even a hint of a the stock "chirping cricket" in the background. So, I go to work and there's no real "water cooler" type opportunity for me to gripe it all out. Ultimately all of these stressors just rumble around inside my head and have minimal outlet. I'm sure that's super healthy.....

And finally, did I mention we're about to have a baby in like 8 weeks? Yah. That's kind of a big deal from what I've heard. So....we got that goin on... too.


Okay, Onto a bunch of exciting notes:

Our crib came in -- it's spectacular. I absolutely LOVE it! I did a colorful rendering this weekend (my mothers overzealous nature got to me, I guess!!) and we established exactly what fabric would go where. It was just too cool, and a little bizarre honestly.

Also, we "test drove" our two stroller/travel systems and carrying the two car seat infant carrier things was also a bit bizarre. I don't know how to do that...carry a baby? drive with a baby? I'm just hoping the "babies are so resilient" stuff is really true.

Our 3D sonogram is tomorrow!!! More excitement and reality colliding -- it's like actually getting to SEE HER! I don't think we are really prepared for the smack of reality we're going to experience when we see her. I'm rendered speechless even thinking about it. There will be pictures on here ASAP!

Okay, that's enough for now, I have my laptop sitting on my lap and my sausagey-rollie-polie feet are not elevated. They clearly need to be as I have not ONE PAIR OF SHOES that fit comfortably. So, I'll be elevating them now, while continuing to ignore the laundry that could most likely walk by itself at this point, and taking a moment to disappear in a nap.

Light a candle for us. Just try not to "burn it at both ends" Har har har!!

WOW! How's that for starting and ending with deliciously bad cliches?

Miss Baby makes her debut tomorrow!! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someday, (Not any day soon mind you) but someday you will look back on these times as "The Good Old Days" and tell these stories to my Granddaughter...
...and laugh!!!