Sunday, September 10, 2006

Your dad, the super-cool skateboarder

Well Josh has definitely put an interesting spin on the last two months of our pregnancy. Yesterday in an attempt to hang with the cool kids he visited a new local skate park. As the story goes, all was well until... Well 'cool guy' completely dislocated and subsequently broke his ankle -- in two places. He'll go to the orthopedic tomorrow and get an official cast (his first in all 33 years! Sidebar: we do offer nice bone dna to our offspring - both of us are broken-bone free for all of our collective 66 years!) For now he's well-splinted and wrapped and sporting a shiny new set of crutches.

So the story goes like this, Josh had a class at 8 and then when it was over thought he'd take in a quick spot of skateboarding (unbeknownst to me). And here's where it all went awry. A quick recap of the call that came in to me:
Him: [in a very chipper, cheerful voice] Hey, I'm up at the skate park.
Me: Okay, cool, you want some lunch?
Him: No, I broke my ankle
Me: What?!
Him: Yeah, I broke it.

(noise of the other kids at the skatepark, staring and laughing in awe at the trainwreck at the end of Josh's leg which, now having seen it, makes sense as it defied all laws of general anatomy!!)

Me: Do you need me to come get you?
Him: No, the ambulance is on the way
Me: WHAT?!
Him: Yeah, it's bad. I don't want to be moved.

Wow. That's a call I didn't expect.

Immediately all the ramifications of this incident started to hit me. Mainly, who's going to put pillows under my feet at night? Well, no, I'm kidding. Sorta. Actually we're supposed to move in like three weeks. That should be interesting. And he's supposed to take a practical exam for his EMT course in St. Louis in a few weeks. Should also be interesting. And I've become quite accustomed to how much he spoils me - the dog gets taken care of, I get lunch made for me daily, I get things brought to me, I get my car loaded up every day...the list goes on. Seriously. I get a lot of spoiling! And now, well, I guess this is the universe's way of training me to get off my can and do something for someone else. For instance, our first night at this new regime, Sir Pees-a-lot got up 4 TIMES!! So, each time, I help him up, get him in the appropriate location, (go visit the other facilities myself - of course), come back just in time to see him attempting to walk with these crutches which are not exactly operating as an extension of himself just yet. (More like some kind of multi-legged extra-terrestrial being where everyone and everything within a 4 foot radius should take cover) Then I get him back in bed with gently placed and ample pillow elevation under the peg-leg. I cover the rest of him and place fresh ice from the freezer on the injury, offer a pain pill and water (and I think I make one more trip the restroom myself, just to be sure) and finally I can crawl into bed. However, it takes me a good 30 minutes to fall back asleep - so each one of these trips was about an hour. And this was night one. What are the odds it's dramatically different tonight? I'd guess fairly slim. Hence, the theory that this is a little baby bootcamp sans the baby.

(Well, sans the *newborn* baby...ahem...)

Okay, use are the photos. They're graphic!!!
Keep scrolling if you're feeling tough...oh, and by the way, i finally figured out how to make my pictures not so small. Great timing, eh??
Skateboarding is cool.

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pharmgirl said...

Duuuuuuuuuude. Totally sucks! I've never broken a bone either *knock*knock*knock*! I see a gallon jug or bed pan in Josh's VERY NEAR future. It that heartless? YES, I'll help you move!

Monogram Momma said...

OMG that is so horrible looking! I've never seen a broken bone like that before! Here's to some fast healing!

Anonymous said...

Man, that looks painful!!!!!!! Ouch. My hubby was a skateboarder but he totally screwed up his body and cant do it at all anymore. But I also feel for you because I dont know what I would do without my pampering from the hubby. He was sick all weekend and I had to do everything myself. Man, I am sooooooo spoiled and I love it. Well, I am sorry its going to be a rough few weeks. I hope he feels better soon and trash that board!!!!