Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dress Rehearsal!

Wow, what an afternoon! We got a real trial run of what our trip to Labor & Delivery would be like. Other than the pain, it wasn't so bad. But alas, we were sent home - sans baby. Anatomically speaking, contractions are supposed to dilate one's cervix. Long story short, my contractions are not doing this. They are just being contractions, um, for fun I guess. And what fun it was. GRRR! I'm so mad at my cervix -- no dilation whatsoever!! Although, these contractions were strong enough to rattle the earth, perhaps you felt them too. (It was nice, however, just to have it confirmed that these were in fact contractions.) So now, here we sit, back at home, and now I'm supposed to go back if they "get really bad" HUH!??? They WERE!!!! I really have no clue now WHEN to go back to the hospital.

So who knows, we could be one of those artsy fartsy hippie couples who give birth at home in the bathtub.

I am so not down with that.

Our instructions were to eat a spicy meal and have sex!! I guess the spicy food doesn't sound so bad.....

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Hi! I read one of your comments on babycenter and clicked over to look at your blog. Just wanted to say how cute it is and now I feel inspired to do that same. I hope you are feeling well. I know what it is like to get impatient at the end. Hopefully you will have your beautiful little girl here soon! May you have a quick and safe delivery! Marisa

Mommy of James (14 months) and Baby on the Way due April 27th 2007.