Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Here we are...the 21st.

But where is our stork? We had an appointment yesterday (took our bags and everything) and I still show no sign that labor is imminent. (We were pretty bummed) In medical terms, no dilation. So today I'm going to start walking and walk until a baby falls out. Don't worry, I'll take a map and a compass. I should be fine....

Here's the prognosis: can't induce because I'm too closed up. Our original due date was the 28th and it got moved when we did our sonogram, so based on "mother nature" I should be due NEXT Tuesday. She is not too big at this point so I'm okay with waiting another week. Our midwife is guessing she's about 7 pounds at this point. I'm okay with that. However, she said yesterday that I have a narrow pelvis (huh??! with THESE hips?? are you kidding?) and if we get into the 9 pound range we could have trouble, but by next week she doesn't expect us to be out of the 7 pound range -so again, I'm still okay with that. So we wait some more. The good news is, I'm not at work, the baby's still fine, and she's going to get here eventually, RIGHT?

Oh, and our midwife is going out of town for Thanksgiving and won't be back till Monday evening, so I really need to hold on till then....I think......we're really getting antsy!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

PS, again for my own records: cramping - a lot. Midwife says this could be occasional contractions attempting to do their thing. We'll see. It could just be one more addition to the litany of complaints.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Niki! I keep checking this in hopes that I will see a picture of the baby! You are right, it will all happen in due time. I'm getting antsy for you guys! :) Best of luck always!!