Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Picture time!

A few quick updates. - Nada - there's your update. Yep, after subjecting myself to about eighteen needles and posing as a human pin cushion, I go to the doc today and I got nothin! Nothing!!! I think I'm going to enroll in Jazzercise or something because that's the only thing I can do at this point to jostle this baby loose. Oh, and our midwife is leaving town next Wednesday for Thanksgiving. SO now our next step is seeing where I'm at next Monday, if anything is going on, she'll induce me so she can be there with me. I can't imagine someone else doing the delivery. It would just seem inappropriate...we have a relationship!! That's like cheating.

So, with that update in mind, here are some random pictures (oh, well, the nursery isn't random, but these ARE going to be a bit disjointed). I need to put these on here for the "record books" ya know? Enjoy! :)

I think I'm going to try and take some video or something because this room isn't quite coming through with my skills here...or lack thereof...

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That's the best shot I could get of the crib...the rest of these are just pieces here and there.

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Can you believe my mom made all this? I'm telling you, she shares none of this skill with me, and really keeps her talents under wraps.
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Oh and I love this picture - Mimi bought us this beautiful and, clearly, impractical flokati rug, it's plush and wonderful but white and...well, WHITE. In a baby's room. You can make your own call on that one. It looks great, and I'm sure it will be a different color (or pattern) in a year. But it has made another certain princess feel quite at home in this room. Which ultimately is probably a good thing. We don't need any territory wars here.

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Now here are some random shower pics. I had three showers thrown for me. They were all completely different and each wonderful in their own way.

This was the one that my super sweet co-workers threw for me on October 13th. That's Mimi who flew in early from a trip just to be there. (Ignore my wrinkled self...I look like a bag lady, in all reality though, this is what a disheveled teacher looks like at the end of the day.) But do take note of the flowers and the cupcakes. My fabulous co-worker Todd was in charge of decor. I love him (he never looks disheveled)! He SO nailed the colors and the decor!! In fact, the whole group that worked on this shower is just adorable.

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And this one is one that is so near and dear to both of us because it was the one with all of our best friends - this was October 20th. It was at our new house and all of our favorite people were in attendance. My girlfriends threw it for us and did an amazing job. It was excellent - exactly what I had always hoped for. Just good friends, food, drink, mingling, etc. And our house was officially "warmed"! And our first house guest, one of my best friends made the long trek in from the east coast. She was only able to stay one night, but she officially broke in the "star wars" themed guest room. (Serene, next time I promise, you won't have glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling!) I wasn't very good at taking pictures that night because Mimi & Poppa presented us with a video camera and I spent more time behind that lens than the lens of my regular camera (and judging by the video I shot, I should have stayed the course and gotten to know my video camera better before running wild with it!)

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That's us both partaking in the gift opening. Not using a flash camera. You can see this awesome basket at our feet, our friends Jim & Sara got that for us - it was SO full of baby necessities and I'm certain we'll never need to purchase diaper rash cream (at least I think...). They totally hooked us up!!
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And that's me with the Baby Papasan. My adorable friends Rhonda & Stacy got that for us. They have both been around this baby-having block and informed me that this little device is handy for "encouraging" baby's, um, digestive system when it's being stubborn. Isn't that cute? Good to know, ain't it?

And finally this is more of a family shower that Aunt Gale threw for us. First of all, let me just say that the entire family is convinced that Aunt Gale is like super-human or something. She hosts events like none other and cooks like one of them fancy tv cooks er something and makes it all look and sound easy. Seriously, she is just a hostess extraordinaire. To briefly summarize, I have no idea how many people were there, but she plated everyone's meal and served a full luncheon including Pumpkin Soup, finger sandwiches, Blue Cheese, Pear and Walnut salads, and petit fours. It was delightful. And to be really honest - we got a TON of nice stuff at this shower. Our friends impressed us, but this party had more "grown ups" at it. And these folks went all out! (Oh and I got through this party without any ridiculous shower-ritual type games as well! I went 3 for 3 ---- unscathed!!)So here's me under the picture, Mimi to my right and way over on the left is Aunt Bev - another amazing hostess, but her parties involve her pool, sunscreen, and frosty beverages...a hostess extraordinaire in her own right!!

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Okay, I think that's it for now - fun stuff, huh? I'll try and get some more fun shots on here soon. What else am I going to do? Gestate, I guess. Oh, and Jazzercise.

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