Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dream Weaver

I've read about this happening to other pregnant women, but I have had some RIDICULOUS dreams lately! The other night I had a dream that I had taken the baby out of my stomach -- like where one's appendix would be (you'd think I'd have a better grasp as to how babies got "out"...). This was only after having a "dream" sonogram that revealed a boy and then panned over to reveal a girl right next to it. (Awesome - dream ambiguity. That's helpful!) As soon as I saw it on the monitor I ripped (uh-huh...I know...crazy) my stomach open and pulled the baby out to say hello to it and tell it how excited we were to meet it, etc. Then I realized I had to put the baby back in and now I had this gaping hole in my side. Damn. I hate it when I do that. I looked at the sonographer and said in a stupidly naive voice, "I should probably go to the emergency room, shouldn't I? I probably need to have some of this amniotic fluid put back, huh?" And the sonographer, of course, concurred... and the funny thing was, no one was particularly alarmed that I had done this - apparenlty we would just shove it back in. I guess it happens all the time.


Okay, so last night I had yet another similar dream. This time I was asking to be induced. I was in my 15th week and I was ready! I was explaining to everyone that we were going to induce because everything was "formed" and the baby was moving, so why not? Everyone was startled and I was becoming more and more frustrated that no one was excited for us. I mean, GEEZ PEOPLE! I was ready to have this baby - I mean, it had been three months already.

Yeah. Seriously. Every single night -- and I never wake up panicked. I wake up shaking my head because it's become so common place.

Flutter update: Still no fluttering yet. I've been feeling/listening intently, but nothing yet.

Nesting: *rolls eyes* Well, we're in this super fun housing limbo situation right now. We have to sell one house before buying the one I'm wanting -- but the seller doesn't want to take our offer since ours isn't sold yet. SO we have to at least get it on the market (no small task as we were in the midst of a pretty hairy renovation) before we can make an offer -- and then she'll let us "rent" it from her till our other one sells. Which means we'll be hella strapped until we do sell his. Anyway, it's just a hurry up and wait game. And it's hard to start doing what I'm instinctively programmed to do - NEST! Every time I look at baby furniture I have to look away because I can't get a settled feeling just yet. I'm sure that by July we'll be able to make a move, but for now...we're finishing a renovation on one house and amassing a bunch of boxes at the other house and simply driving by and looking longingly at another house. Home sweet homeless.

On a really exciting note for me personally ------ IT'S SUMMER!!! School's OUT!! Yipppeee!!

Happy summer, have a cocktail for me! (it's Memorial Day weekend, typically I spend this time on a raft, in a bikini with round the clock cocktails...I'm struggling this year.....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.