Monday, May 08, 2006

Hot Momma!

Week 12! I am toting around a baby right now who is about the size of a large lime. Why does this immediately make me think about fresh margaritas? Cause I'm a lush, that's why.

Anyway, here's the litany of complaints for the day. Today was one of those days where you just want to whine. SO much. I can't dress my damn self!!! I wore maternity pants for the 2nd time today, and they're just too big. So, here's the issue this created ALLLL DAYY: My pants were long in the crotch and dangling lowly on my hips, thus exposing my rotund belly out from under my barely staying buttoned shirt. Fun. ALLLL dayyy! It was one of those days where I didn't even want to get up to do my job because I knew my pants wouldn't stay up and I risked my gut poking out. OH, and so half way through the day I took the safety pin out of the middle of my blouse (the boob level pin that I discreetly affix every day) and used it to pin up my pants. So, of course I'm now contending with the shirt pull at two button levels - the boobs and the gut. Stunning. Did I mention I'm pail as a ghost too? Yeah, I'm hot. Happy summer. OH, and here's another fun little side effect of my prenatal vitamins. Haven't I heard everyone sing their praises over the years? I thought these little wonders were supposed to rock? For me, not so much. What it has done has made my hair grow like prairie grass. It's thick and heavy and has no shape whatsoever. Thus I've been forced to wear headbands like everyday. Pretty. Acrylic headbands. All the rage. Really. And back when I was thinner, more tan [tanner?], and had a generally pleasant look on my face, I put some darker "low lights" in my blonde hair... and now, well let's just say the look is ALLL gone now. I am now a fat, sloppily dressed, dishwatery flat hair havin', pale faced HOTTIE.

Now, all that said -- YES, it's all worth it. But if I could just hit my stride with my own vanity I'd sure as hell be enjoying this as it was meant to be enjoyed....

P.S. ...I only have 9 more days of dressing up for work - then I'll be out on summer break and my daily "cutification" will not be necessary...

1 comment:

pharmgirl said...

Not to get all technical & shit, but the vitamins really don't have alot to do with your hair. When you're prego, it interupts your normal hair growth cycle and you stop LOSING hair. Therefore, it looks and act thicker. The downside is postpartum, it comes out in handfuls for....EVER! My baby is 14 months and I STILL stick giant wads to the shower wall so I don't jam the damn drain. Anyway...there it is.